Bible & Quran Link
Available on IOS / Android / Windows
Developer : Fekre9 Software Group
Bible Quran Link is the application that maps all verses in the 66 books of the Bible to their relevant verses in the 114 chapters of the Quran, and vice versa. It has been compiled through a comprehensive study over three years by a universalist Canadian youth who believes in the truth of both scriptures. It is intended to bridge the gaps between the followers of Christianity and Islam, and to show how no religion can make an absolute and exclusive claim of the truth. The app can prove very insightful and accessible in Quran study circles and Bible study groups.
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Bible & Quran Link Features
- The entire text of the Bible and the Quran
- 24 different translations of the Quran into 18 languages of the world
- 22 different translations of the Bible into 15 languages of the world
- A search engine through the text of both scriptures
- The ability to bookmark and color code the verses
- The ability to change the font type and size
- The ability to copy a verse or an entire chapter for sharing
- The ability to navigate directly from the relevant verses of one book to another
- The ability to display only the verses with a cross-reference
Bible & Quran Link - IOS
Available on IOS
Version : 3.04
Release on : Jan 31, 2021
Bible Quran Link is the application that maps all verses in the 66 books of the Bible to their relevant verses in the 114 chapters of the Quran, and vice versa. It is intended to bridge the gaps between the followers of Christianity and Islam, and to show how no religion can make an absolute and exclusive claim of the truth. The app can prove very insightful and accessible in Quran study circles and Bible study groups

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Bible & Quran Link - Android
Available on Android
Version : 1.30
Release on : Jul 19, 2024
Bible Quran Link is the application that maps all verses in the 66 books of the Bible to their relevant verses in the 114 chapters of the Quran, and vice versa. It is intended to bridge the gaps between the followers of Christianity and Islam, and to show how no religion can make an absolute and exclusive claim of the truth. The app can prove very insightful and accessible in Quran study circles and Bible study groups.

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Bible & Quran Link - Windows
Available on Windows OS
Version : 1.08
Release on : August 22, 2023
Bible Quran Link is the application that maps all verses in the 66 books of the Bible to their relevant verses in the 114 chapters of the Quran, and vice versa. It is intended to bridge the gaps between the followers of Christianity and Islam, and to show how no religion can make an absolute and exclusive claim of the truth. The app can prove very insightful and accessible in Quran study circles and Bible study groups.
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Rumi 365
Available on Android
Developer : Fekre9 Software Group
Rumi 365 offers over 2200 of the most inspiring verses of the Mathnawi , translated from the original Persian by Ahmad Banki. The translation conveys both the heart and the art of the poems, to give the English reader a first-hand experience of how it feels to read them in the original. All lines follow the iambic pentameter.
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Rumi 365 Features
The application displays one verse from the database every morning as the theme of that day. In the premium version, users can view the wider context of the verses for a more in-depth engagement with Rumi.
Users can modify the default hour of daily updates, number of verses displayed per day, and the background picture and music.
Rumi 365 - Android
Available on Android
Version : 1.11
Release on : Oct 11, 2024

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Fekre9 software team is a specialized team for designing and producing software for smartphones and computers. Our mission is to be with the users of smart phone software (Android and iPhone) and computer, in order to achieve the ability and efficiency and speed in performing software operations by discovering smart solutions and selecting new ideas
The field of activity of Fekrno software team is designing and producing a wide range of religious, educational, practical and personal software.
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